Sunday, July 21, 2013

Goals...part deux.

As Kat said, we have set some serious short-term goals for ourselves. We talk about them often, and hold each other to them. These are my goals. They are in no particular order, and some of them probably even seem silly to an outsider. For me, setting goals is the best way to keep myself focused and on track. The act of crossing something off a list is one of the best feelings for me. and in such a busy, confusing, overwhelming time in my life...having goals makes it all a little easier.  

  • find a career that makes me happy.
now this one is tricky. I have a job that I love. I've been at the same place for 3.5 years. I have learned an immeasurable amount about myself as an employee, and a person while working here. However, I am looking for that end all be all career. The kind of job that you wake up excited to go to. That combines your passions, and your hobbies, and making money into one amazing thing. The true goal is to own my own business, but I believe part of achieving that goal is working a truly great and inspiring job.
  • establish my credit.
I was never told how important credit is when you're an adult. I went through almost my entire 20's without owning a credit card, and never establishing any sort of credit to my name. You guys..It's important.

  • visit Hawaii.
This is pretty self explanatory, cause i've never been.
  • plan and start saving for a  big trip.
I just want to explore the World. The short term goal is to seriously start the planning/saving process for a trip to be taken by 2015.
  • do volunteer work.
Because making a difference, makes such a difference. I promise you. There are so many amazing causes, and you learn so much about yourself through volunteer work..all while helping others. 
  • get at least 5 chapters of my book completed.
I'm writing a book. enough said.
  • go back to school.
I miss school. Is that weird? I just want to go back and learn...not for anyone else, but for myself. I want to take classes that interest me. 
  • fill 3 rolls of film from my camera. and develop them.
I've had the same roll of film in my camera for almost a year. I'm seriously slacking on my "me time" and doing things that I love to do. This being one of them.
  • get in better shape/start yoga.
It's a sad sad saddddddd day when you wake up and you're 28, and you realize your metabolism SUCKS. You can't drink beer with every dinner, and eat in-n-out 3 times a month, and have half a tub of ice cream in one sitting. I'm starting to realize how much of a huge difference it makes to treat your body well, and eat well. So this goal is a two-parter, being more aware of what i'm putting into my body, and starting yoga (something i've always wanted to do.)(plus Jennifer Aniston swears by it, and hellllllllllllo.)



  1. Setting goals is so important! I was thinking of doing a post like this as well. I hope you accomplish every one!

    1. aww, thanks love. You should totally do a post like this! its so much easier when you have it written down :)
