Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I needed to check in for a hot min..to alert the masses that the new Kings Of Leon album is out. 
so please stop what you're doing, click that photo, and go buy it.

That is all, and good day!

Friday, September 13, 2013

"When and where does this real world occur?"

So right now I'm in LA doing some freelance work for a company out here. Apparently I do freelance work now. I'm helping launch a brand that is doing a crowd funding campaign with kickstarter and helping with social media to spread the word. It's really been a lot of fun just a lot of logged hours on the computer. This is the first time I've been back to LA since I moved too. It was weird but I was super anxious about it. I wasn't exactly sure why and then I realized that when I left it was so abruptly that I never fully dealt with anything. I had a bad living situation and with money and my happiness being compromised, I knew I had to come back home. 


Now it's ten days later and I'm getting ready to drive back to Vegas tomorrow.I've had such an amazing time here. I'm currently laying on my friend Hilary's couch and I'm realizing how much I miss LA. Now since I left the restaurant, I've been doing work for a marketing company in Las Vegas and I've definitely failed to get a real job. I'm lacking on not being apart of the regular work force. I have this constant battle in my head of living in Las Vegas or somewhere else. I have realized that I'm more motivated in LA. I definitely always have been and that's due to wherever you go, you see the hustle off millions of people trying to make it. So many people move here to follow their dreams and even though they aren't mine, (I'm sure people, me, an actress? LOLs) it's inspiring to me. I cannot and will not hate on the hustle. So with that being said, I must up my hustle. Stay tuned to see what happens.

Happy Friday the 13th, bitches!!

Hello lovely internet friends, 
today is one of my favorite days..Friday the 13th! which makes this weeks Babe Friday even better than normal. Just because this day brings special magic..duh. 

So I just finally decided to get serious with my life and give Breaking Bad another try. 
[I'm obsessed b.t.w]

So obvvvviously this weeks babe was bound to be the painfully adorable Jesse Pinkman a.k.a Aaron Paul.

Enjoy, lovies!


Monday, September 2, 2013

Free Bird.

My head feels a lot like hurricane katrina is happening inside of it lately.
my life is a crazy mixed-up pile of things that are new and different. I'm learning so much about myself. For instance, I recently quit my job of 3.5 years to take a chance on a new and exciting opportunity with a new company. I never thought that would happen. especially not at this time in my life. It's scary. and challenging. and just what I need. 
So far the latter half of 2013 has pretty much decided to flip my world upside down. I can't decide most days if its the best thing thats ever happened to me, or the scariest. Maybe its both. I can't explain it, but...

All I know is I feel free. Free to make mistakes. Free to question everything. Free to just worry about only me and no one else right now. Free to date 22 yr olds and call myself a cougar for a couple weeks, and then get rejected by said 22 yr old for another girl. that's a story for the books, my friends. free to go to my friends weddings, drink so much that I question how I didn't spend the night puking, dance till I can't dance anymore, and hook up with a guy I just met and do the walk of shame in a hotel hallway at 8am, still drunk. And free to feel things for people I just met [at weddings] that I shouldn't!!! Because it's my fucking life and I don't have to answer to anyone but myself!!! 

I am truly terrified, and beyond excited to see where this life takes me. I am open to anything. I am cherishing every new experience, every new friend made, every situation I am in thats new to me, that ends up being amazing and making me feel grateful about the life I have. and the friends I have. and the opportunities that present themselves at the craziest times. 
Because even after all this time, i still/always will believe, no matter how rough things seem to be, that everything happens when and how its supposed to. always.

as Joe Dirt so eloquently put it..."Life's a garden, Dig it!"


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Baber Day weekend.

I must apologize, yet again, for missing Babe Friday. 
As i'm sure you are all aware...It's wedding season! So I spent my friday dancing my ass off, drinking wayyyy too much,  and crying tears of joy at my friends Jenny & Scott's amazing wedding. 

Lets get to the reason you all are here...
This weeks babe is my no-nonsense, kick-ass, wickedly funny, super sexy girl crush....Olivia Wilde.

Not only is this babe super successful, but she's pretty smart, too.  She is also quite the political activist and is a board member for Artists for Peace and Justice, which provides health and educations services to people in Haiti. AND she is engaged to my man crush, the hilarious and handsome Jason Sudeikis.

Girl does it all!!!*

And let us all never forget, she was Marissa Copper's hot girlfriend on The O.C.

*She also just did an AMA on Reddit that you should check out if you have a chance.
[ and she likes beer.. swoon]

*and wrote this perfect article about turning 30 for Glamour Magazine.

So cheers to you, Olivia Wilde.
