Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Baber Day weekend.

I must apologize, yet again, for missing Babe Friday. 
As i'm sure you are all aware...It's wedding season! So I spent my friday dancing my ass off, drinking wayyyy too much,  and crying tears of joy at my friends Jenny & Scott's amazing wedding. 

Lets get to the reason you all are here...
This weeks babe is my no-nonsense, kick-ass, wickedly funny, super sexy girl crush....Olivia Wilde.

Not only is this babe super successful, but she's pretty smart, too.  She is also quite the political activist and is a board member for Artists for Peace and Justice, which provides health and educations services to people in Haiti. AND she is engaged to my man crush, the hilarious and handsome Jason Sudeikis.

Girl does it all!!!*

And let us all never forget, she was Marissa Copper's hot girlfriend on The O.C.

*She also just did an AMA on Reddit that you should check out if you have a chance.
[ and she likes beer.. swoon]

*and wrote this perfect article about turning 30 for Glamour Magazine.

So cheers to you, Olivia Wilde.


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