Sunday, July 21, 2013

"What would you attempt to accomplish if you knew you could not fail?" Part one

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. Lewis

 One thing my Dad has always told me when I call him to whine about why the universe is making my life so hard(it's really not but I'm a 29 year old woman finding her way and fully admit I still need my dad time to time)is,"you can't have direction if you don't know where you are going. Do it, don't talk about it. Set goals. Your battle is with yourself." Since starting this blog, it has really become such a creative outlet for both D and I. Yes,we blog about hot men and make up like any other girl blogs out there but it has very much been therapeutic for us. Putting ourselves out there personally isn't always the easiest thing to do. BUT we are going to do it again! 

  It's July and I feel right now in life, I have a clean slate. I definitely have a lot of things I need to work on but I am at a point where I am trying to figure out what I am passionate about. Basically I'm looking for my ah-ha moment from the universe. I learned that when I make choices, I am actively choosing to not do something else. Whatever it may be. D and I recently spoke about setting goals. While we are both still trying to figure out the big picture, we both decided to set some short term goals that we are going to be on each other's asses about getting done by the end of the year. When setting goals, long and short term, you have to factor in their importance. I mean if I say, I'm going to go China, build houses and teach children English. Sure, it's attainable and I would love to do that, but the likelihood of me actually going there is slim. I came across this helpful acronym awhile back that helps break down what type of goals you should set.
  • S- specific (or significant)
  •  M-measurable (or meaningful)      
  •  A-attainable(action-oriented)      
  •  R-relevant(or rewarding)       
  •  T-time-bound(or trackable)     

Here is my short term goals I HOPE to accomplish by the end of 2013:

  1. Get out of debt completely - It's no secret LA is expensive and I ran through my savings real quick there. I hope to pay off everything/everybody I owe so I can live my life guilt-free.      
  2. Restore my credit- This is definitely going to take longer than the end of the year to obtain but I want to start immediately on this task. I'd also like to throw out there to never get a joint credit card with anyone. EVER. Shout out to my ex for helping my credit score be so awesome and by awesome I mean not awesome.
  3. Get into my own place-Now in the gypsy life I lead, if it doesn't fit the bag, it doesn't go. Or in my case in my car. I'm not sure how long my stay in Las Vegas is going to last this time but I feel like I'm ready lay down some roots and maybe finally own a couch and some dishes.
  4. Get that hot bod- This one I totally must attain. I used to be a gym rat and life/partying starting taking priority over that plus being busy overall. I'm not getting any younger and I must start taking better care of myself. No excuses. 
  5. Plan a bad ass trip out of the country- Seeing how the world lives is humbling and good for the soul. D and I pretty much change the location of this said trip weekly. We will let you know what we decide on.
  6. Enroll in school- I don't care how long it takes me but I want a degree in my lifetime. Nuff said.
  7. Spend more time with my parents- I adore my family but the funny thing is the people I spend the least amount of time with is my mom and dad. They haven't been together since I was 9 but I realize as I get older, They are getting waaaaaay older and I need to cherish the time we all have together left. It sounds sad but hey, that's life. Nothing last forever.      



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